Saturday, February 10, 2007

Preacher MOSS's comedy lecture

Whichita State University Student's Activities Council invited Preacher Moss for lecture on "Racism". He was comic and deeply effective in his style of presentation. It was nice to hear from a black muslim american and everybody roaring with laughter.

His message was loud and clear. He just wanted to say that there are no such things as race. Every problem on arises when we talk about races. In USA if you call a black person an American everything is ok why do we need to call that person a black. The root of all racism is clinging on a thought a refusing to change, which he calls 'constipation'. If you can't digest new ideas then you are surely constipated. And constipation surely is helping to flourish racism. The other effective things he said was at the end of the lecture. He asked everyone to stand and put forward our hands and open the palm. He then talked about the five letter thing. We are 'human'
and we live on 'earth' . 'Black', 'White', 'Latin', 'Asian' everything has five letter. 'Unity', 'Peace', 'Happy' all have five words each. Other stuffs included his personal experience of being victim of racism.

Overall, he was hilariously serious. His wit and knowledge was deeply compelling.

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